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School Programs

Aleeta delivers a unique experience to the children by passing on the finer qualities of the arts through dance and drama, encouraging the children to discover their talents within themselves bringing out confidence, trust, co ordination, leadership and team work skills. With the added bonus of the programs being aimed towards fun for all. Aleeta has over the years had a 100% student involvement success rate and has many times over discovered children that have been struggling in their academic or sporting levels find a new confidence and strength through this arts process.

Aleeta’s philosophy is about opening the imagination and letting young minds find another level of skill that they can explore and if they choose so, to pursue. Many of the students that have done her workshops have gone on to be confident enough to enroll themselves within the arts world, or have simply gained from the added confidence for public speaking, team sports or leadership



Aleeta can put an entire school concert together in a week alleviating extra workloads on the teachers, work with students for a specific event, work with students and teachers on routines, scripts and blocking for musicals, run lectures on aspects of the industry, or run workshops just for fun. Her work covers all styles of dance.



The Concert:

Aleeta will work with the Schools Principal and Staff to find a suitable theme if required for the concert, find and edit appropriate music, choreograph a routine for each class, ensuring that each class has a fun routine to participate in, choreograph a finale for the whole school and choreograph a staff routine if required. Aleeta during that week will work with the teachers on costume and prop ideas and with the principal on lighting, staging and sound requirements. The children by the end of the time spent with Aleeta know their routines confidently, and have been fully orientated on stage, for their seating and all stage entrances and exits. Aleeta has over the years and continues to choreograph a variety of different themes for school concerts.

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